Monday, January 28, 2013

Hey Chris, do you ever give up?

Hey Chris, do you ever give up?

Updated: April 14, 2005, 6:43 PM ET
By Jason Sobel |
AUGUSTA, Ga. -- The thing about David and Goliath stories is, well, David doesn't always win.
And nice guys don't necessarily finish last. Sometimes they come in second.
Chris DiMarco
AP Photo/Elise AmendolaEven in defeat, DiMarco always had a smile on his face.
You see, clichés don't always hold true. But you've probably figured that out on your own, Chris DiMarco.
After all, you held the lead at the Masters Tournament for three days, had it ripped away byTiger Woods, valiantly came back to force a playoff and then, finally, lost.
Your reaction?
"That was about as much fun as I've had in a day," you said after the round. "I was throwing up on myself all day, but it was about as much fun as I've ever had."
Whoa! Wait a second! Let's review: Chris, you just lost The Masters, your latest, closest chance at winning your first major. It comes on the heels of losing in a playoff at the PGA Championship and one year after playing in the final group here at Augusta National.
And what do you have to show for it? Nada. Zilch. Bupkis.
So, seriously, how do you feel?
"I feel very good. You know, obviously it was a good show for everybody, I think."
No tears? No excuses? No crawling into a fetal position on the 18th green, quivering, calling for Mommy?
We'd forgive it if you just pack it in. Toss the clubs in the dumpster, hop in the courtesy car, head down Magnolia Lane and get on with the rest of your life.
Is it even worth the trouble anymore? It can't be fun, opening with two rounds of 67 and closing with a 68, yet still losing to a guy who was duck-hooking drives and putting balls into Rae's Creek just a few days ago.
Just ask the Buffalo Bills. Losing stinks, but coming in second place is even worse, especially the way you do it.
"I would let it hurt if I gave it away, but I didn't. I really didn't"
We can't figure you out, Chris. Are you Bob May, the last guy to take Woods to a playoff in a major championship, who's probably selling range balls at some pro shop these days?
Or are you Phil Mickelson, the guy you helped escape his own major funk a year ago? The guy who came so close, so often.
We think the latter, but if that's the case, you've got a long way to go, buddy. It took Phil 47 majors before he finally claimed a championship. You've only played in 21.
Not sure about you, but we don't think we can handle this kind of heartache for another six-and-a-half years before you finally win one.
It would be one thing if you simply rolled over and watched Woods' coronation toward another major title. You were down three entering the final round, then down three at the turn on Sunday afternoon. You could have just made a few pars, kept it respectable, hugged your wife and three kids after the round and that would have been that.
But, no, you kept plugging away, made a few birdies, never gave up, because -- wait, this can't be right -- you thought you could win?
"This year I was ready to win, to tell you the truth," you said. "I really felt like I could win it. And coming out the way I did, I will be ready to win next year. I certainly will feel like I can, for sure."
Wow, Chris. You might never give up.
At least, we hope not.
Jason Sobel is's golf editor. He can be reached at

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